Sunday, December 6, 2015

New Update

Just a quick update of where I am. I'm in the middle of Ryan's Quest, the follow-up to Ryan's Run. I hope to be finished in a  few short months and have it out by summer of 2016 or even before--late spring? This is of course a bit off from my earlier target date of having it finished by last summer, 2015. I got sidetracked on a another project, my horror novel The Lake Town. Once I finish with Quest I'll finish the revisions for The Lake Town. Hopefully that will be done by end of summer, 2016.

So that's where I am. I apologize to all who have been waiting for the sequel to Ryan's Run to be out by now. I would like to say something about good things coming to those who wait, but as a person who hates to wait (Come on George RR Martin, finish Winds of Winter already!), I know how it feels. And if I was as prolific as Stephen King you'd had have three books by now! But that's not the case.

Have a happy holiday! And a great new year! 2016 will be the bees knees!