Sunday, December 6, 2015

New Update

Just a quick update of where I am. I'm in the middle of Ryan's Quest, the follow-up to Ryan's Run. I hope to be finished in a  few short months and have it out by summer of 2016 or even before--late spring? This is of course a bit off from my earlier target date of having it finished by last summer, 2015. I got sidetracked on a another project, my horror novel The Lake Town. Once I finish with Quest I'll finish the revisions for The Lake Town. Hopefully that will be done by end of summer, 2016.

So that's where I am. I apologize to all who have been waiting for the sequel to Ryan's Run to be out by now. I would like to say something about good things coming to those who wait, but as a person who hates to wait (Come on George RR Martin, finish Winds of Winter already!), I know how it feels. And if I was as prolific as Stephen King you'd had have three books by now! But that's not the case.

Have a happy holiday! And a great new year! 2016 will be the bees knees!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Support Free Speech

Don't let the terrorists win when they try to silence freedom of the press and freedom of speech. No matter if you think Charlie Hebdo crossed the line or somehow were "asking for it" by publishing cartoons that mocked Islam--it is NEVER right to answer words and drawings with bullets! A democratic nation thrives on its writers and artists having the freedom to express their beliefs. We should all stand together and support democracy--show that a few deranged and demented individuals  
should never be allowed to silence freedom.